FCIreverse: key features | FCI
Bridge of Rio-Antirio Harilaos Trikoupis_Greece
FCIreverse: key features
FCIreverse: key features

Automated, straight-through processing and supplier onboarding with rich reporting and inquiry tools for high or low volume programmes

risk button
  • Irrevocable payment obligation removes or reduces fraud, dilution, delay, default risks
  • Anchor exposure is to Buyer; correspondent exposure is to Anchor in 4 corner Model
global currency symbols
  • Anchors generate revenues from funding programmes to serve buyer supply chains in up to 90 countries
  • Correspondents generate revenues from local payment and onboarding services without origination costs
  • Extended payment terms incentivize supplier discounting flow, optimising volumes
  • Scale up or serve small & medium buyers and suppliers without volume minimums
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